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Monday, June 7, 2010

SEO Backlink dengan ber-PR Tinggi dengan cepat

Banyak cara menuju Cina atau Banyak jalan menuju Roma, begitu kira-kira pepatah yang biasa kita dengar. Nah, hubungannya dengan postingan ini adalah banyak cara yang bisa kita tempuh untuk mencari baclink bagi blog kita. Salah satunya melalui adalah salah satu social networking dan bersifat Do Follow. Jika blog anda belum Do Follow, silahkan baca Cara Membuat Blog Menjadi Do Follow. Kebanyakan basa-basinya nih. Langsung aja deh kita bahas mengenai Cara Membangun SEO Backlink dengan ini.

Yang diperlukan untuk membangun SEO Backlink ini sangat sederhana, yaitu RSS blog, Daftar ke, dan Daftar juga ke Twitterfeed ( semuanya gratis ).

Langkah-langkahnya adalah :
1. RSS Blog
Biasanya semua CMS berbasis weblog memiliki feed secara otomatis. Jadi anda gak perlu pusing memikirkan bagianmana membuat barisan XML di blog anda. Tinggal tambah feed dibelakang alamat blog anda atau alamat feed tertentu jika anda mendaftarkan blog anda ke salah satu situs pembuat feed.
Perlu diingatkan bahwa setiap browser berbeda-beda. Jika membukanya dengan Firefox, tentu akan berbeda jika dibuka dengan Opera atau IE.
2. Daftar ke ( PR 8 )

Serupa tapi tak sama dengan Situs ini seperti beranak pinak. Selain Do Follow, situs ini juga digandrungi banyak pengunjung untuk mendapatkan backlink gratis. Buktinya kalo anda sign in sebagai member, maka tidak lama timeline anda akan penuh dengan status-status baru.
Jadi memasang status di banyak manfaatnya, selain menambah backlink, kamu juga akan mendapat teman baru. Silahkan daftar secara gratis di ini.
3. Daftar ke Twitterfeed ( PR 7 )
Layanan gratis ini banyak dipakai media-media lokal dan asing. Selain memudahkan dan mempersingkat waktu, orang yang baru mengenal dunia internet pun dijamin langsung bisa menggunakan layanan ini. Silahkan daftar dulu keTwitterfeed sebelum memulainya. Gratis.

4. Proses Membuat SEO Backlink pada
- Login ke Twitterfeed
- Cari tombol " Create New Feed " dan masukkan alamat feed blog anda
- Klik " Test RSS Feed ", lalu tunggu apakah error atau tidak
- Klik " Continue to Step 2 " jika RSS Feed anda telah benar
- Dibawah " Available Service ", pilih "Laconica" dan masukkan username dan password. Penjelasan bahwa di bagian StatusNet Server itu anda harus masukkan karena artikel ini menjelaskan tentang
- Klik " Create Service " dan lihat apa yang terjadi ? Apa ya ?

Ya selesai. Apabila tertera tulisan " Service created successfully", maka feed otomatis telah selesai dan siap untuk mendulang backlink setiap memposting artikel baru.

Selamat mencobaSEO Backlink dengan


Mendapatkan backlink dari

Backlink adalah sebuah usaha dalam mendapatkan Pagerank atau peringkat dalam google. pada bahasan kali ini saya akan mencoba menjelaskan bagaimana cara mendapatkan backlink dari secara mudah, karena beberapa waktu lalu saya lihat trik ini berjalan dengan baik dan juga di share melalui forum. jadi menurut saya tidak ada salahnya jika saya mencoba membagikannya juga disini.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Hiren's Boot CD 10 New

Tentunya anda pernah menggunakan CD ini, keampuhannya CD ini dalam melakukan tugas-tugas dasar seperti partisi, format, backup&, scan virus, perbaiki harddisk bahkan mengembalikan data yang hilang sangat dibutuhkan untuk saat yang emergency
Download dari torrent alias P2P bisa lebih cepat . Bisa pake program torrent apa aja, yang jelas karena seeder/rekan yang sudah download Hiren’s sampe 100% sudah banyak, download bisa jauh lebih cepat.
Tool paling mantap menurut ane,terasa banget khasiatnya
1.Partition Tools,buat ngebagi HDD kamu
2.Disk Clone Tools,buat ngeduplikat isi HDD lkamu
3.Antivirus Tools,nyang ini pasti udeh pada tau hehe
4.Recovery Tools,buat ngebalikin data yang keapus,tergantung ngapusnya,klo di delete ato diformat 99% bisa mbale',tapi klo' pake secure delete,kaya'nya udah nga bisa kembali sory klo salah.
5.MBR Tools,cek,upate backup master boot record HDD kamu.
6.BIOS/CMOS tool,buat cek,update,reset mobo kamu dan masih banyak lagi,mau nyobaaa' oke.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Vocal Male Vocal Female so (otherwise)

These tips are made for the bored with the songs you hear, really only to happy to be able to hear the singing voice can be another voice, but I just tried to have the Realtek Audio Manager.

Check first if you use the Realtek HD Audio Manager, way: see Control Panel
Then Open the Realtek HD Audio Managernya,

Ensuring voice for change, then play the songs you like, do not worry this will not change your song files, but just change the output created by Realtek with Sound Effects. Is the song playing, then open again Realtek HD Audio Manager was then modify the TAB lahpada change the value of sound effects that had on karaoke Zero (0) be -4 or 4 then the sound was

The man's voice turned into a woman's voice (change to 4 ).
Women's voice turned into a man's voice (change to -4 ).


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Yahoo! Answers : Ask what you dont know

Yahoo!7 Answers is an online community where you can ask questions on a range of topics, from the serious to the purely fun, and get answers from real people. Or you might help others by answering their burning questions. Either way, you have the chance to share ideas and information with millions of Yahoo!7 users about politics, sports, health, or whatever else interests you. By asking and answering questions you can accumulate points and build a reputation as a valuable and knowledgeable community participant.

Young users might look to Answers for help with school research projects, such as finding out about the Eureka Stockade, the moons of Jupiter, or what wombats eat. Or they might ask and answer questions about their personal interests such as PlayStation tricks, AFL trivia, or Britney Spears gossip.

See our simple tutorial for a quick overview of how Answers works. For an in-depth guide to asking questions, answering questions, voting for best answers, and earning Answers points, please review Yahoo!7 Answers Help.


Friday, September 11, 2009

Likaholix the way it does

Likaholic is social community that good for bookmark as digg and other. When you connect to your facebook you can share your likes, whatever your likes. Likaholic is a great

please be sure you sign up from that link if you want to know what ex-google doing

Note: You will be notified by email everytime someone you invite joins Likaholix. Please don't create fake users/spam us. In order to prevent spam we only will credit $3 for friends who connect their Likaholix account with their Facebook account. Also note, that if you are found to be a spammer your account will be immediately suspended. Please note we will only credit $3 for friends from North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Africa, India, China and Japan. There wil be cases where we may credit your account $3 regardless of where the user is from. However we will verify the user's location before making final payouts.


Friday, August 14, 2009

How to Download From Rapidshare

Rapid Leech is a free server transfer script for use on various popular upload/download sites such as - The script transfers files from rapid share (for example) via your fast servers connection speed and dumps the file on your server.

Script Information:
# Easily transfer files from other servers to your server
# Requires PHP (no MySQL required)
# Currently works with: rapidshare, megaupload, MyTempDir,,
# Loading % transfer bar displaying speed, how much downloaded & % complete
# Cool user interface which runs on 1 php page
# Proxy support
# Send to email support
# Save in x directory
# File manager which stores info such as date added, comments etc.

How to use Rapidleech to download from Rapidshare, Megaupload, Filefactory, Megarotic

I. What is Rapidleech ?

Rapid Leech is a free server transfer script for use on various popular upload/download sites such as - The script transfers files from rapid share (for example) via your fast servers connection speed and dumps the file on your server.
The script was originally created by Vyrus who wrote the script in russian. The script then got modified by various people who then released copies, encrypted the source code and made so-called improvements.

Script Information:

# Easily transfer files from other servers to your server
# Requires PHP (no MySQL required)
# Currently works with: rapidshare, megaupload, MyTempDir,,
# Loading % transfer bar displaying speed, how much downloaded & % complete
# Cool user interface which runs on 1 php page
# Proxy support
# Send to email support
# Save in x directory
# File manager which stores info such as date added, comments etc.

II. Step by step process....

1.Find a Rapidleech server or make your own (Rapidleech server listed below)
2.Copy your rapidshare download link and paste it on the download link box in rapidleech.
3.Select any other extra options u myt want to set in the settings
4.Back to the Main Windows Tab and press Download File button
5.Insert the Verifycode if asked
6.Wait till the downloading is finished
7.After the download is finished go to Server files tab..the file u just downloaded should be there!
8.When it's successfully moved to the rapidleech...the file should start downloading as soon as u click on the link!

Thats how you use rapidleech....since there are many servers freely available on the net you can download as many as rapidshare files u want at the same time.

Rapidleech downloads are RESUME supported...and simultaneus downloads are possible...

III. Some Rapidleech Sites (Collected by Alex):

Link for public RapidLeech Server.Updated.Some that using RapidLeech v2.3 may have the problem of connecting to So you can use as MegaUpload downloader.


Since April 18,2008,RapidShare have change their code verification.So maybe a lot of this server cant support anymore RapidShare.

Update:To download from Rshare,plz enter word that contains cat pic.Only cat.not dog
V2.3 plugmod


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